Areas of Specialty

Pollinator Garden
This style of garden is a must if you enjoy seeing bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. These hard working pollinators help fertilize plants to support seed and fruit production by transferring pollen between flowers of the same species. This garden style helps provide pollinators with nectar as well as food for their off-spring, and you with colour and fragrance.

Potager Garden
This is also referred to as a "French Garden" or "Kitchen Garden." A potager garden combines perennials, fruits, vegetables and herbs to bring you colour, fragrance and edibles. This garden of companion plants could be either incorporated into a garden design that you enjoy year after year, or it could be as simple as a variety of potted herbs, just off the kitchen for quick and easy access.

Prairie Garden
If you're looking for a virtually maintenance free approach to gardening, consider a prairie garden. This style of garden includes native grasses and both annual and perennial wildflowers. You don't need acres of land to achieve a prairie garden - just a sunny location with good drainage. A bonus is the amazing butterflies and birds your garden will attract!